Have trouble in sleeping at night??? Insomnia can be a very disturbing condition, as after a long and tiring work day all you want to do is get a good night’s rest. But sometimes this just isn’t possible, because half of the night passes and you are still turning around in your bed wondering when will you fall asleep? Prescribing medication is not the best option, as there are always alternative and natural solutions. Such a home remedy is to fill your home with plants as they will have a very positive effect on your health and well-being. Plants have some amazing healing features, can reduce anxiety and purify the air inside your home, a perfect combination that will reduce the amount of sleepless nights in a year. But in order to take a full advantage of the healing power of plants, you have to be informed about which type of plants can help you reduce insomnia.
The Center for disease control and prevention stated that insufficient sleep is major health problem lot of people are suffering from and spent thousands of dollars to get the solution.If you have done meditation,relaxation techniques and other remedies but still did not find a proper solution to get sleep at night then this article will help you.
Lavender - healthmagweb.blogspot.com |
It’s also probably the most well-known of all plants when it comes to inducing sleep and reducing anxiety levels. Research backs up these claims, with lavender scents shown to slow down heart rate, lower blood pressure and levels of stress.
In one study, the smell of lavender reduced crying in babies, sending them into a deeper sleep; while simultaneously reducing stress in both mother and child – something all new mothers will be happy to hear!
In women, lavender has been shown to increase light sleep, and decrease rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep and the amount of time to wake after first falling asleep, with opposite effects in men.
While there are a host of lavender scented products on the market to help you get a full night’s rest (from scented sleep masks to lavender mattresses) why not go for the most natural and cost effective option – a beautiful lavender plant placed on your nightstand.
Jasmine - healthmagweb.blogspot.com |
Who doesn’t love the scent of lavender? Jasmine is a colorful plant whose smell helps in improving the quality of sleep and alertness and keeps you to be refresh next day.Just by smelling this plant it helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
Snake Plant - healthmagweb.blogspot.com |
What’s great about this plant is that it emits oxygen at night time whilst simultaneously taking in carbon dioxide – something we naturally produce when breathing. All this leads to a purer quality of air and a better night’s sleep.
The Snake Plant also filters some nasty but common household toxins (namely formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene) from the air.
Aloe Vera - healthmagweb.blogspot.com |
Aloe Vera plant is an excellent indoor plant because it has lot of benefits and is easy to keep alive.Aloe Vera is listed as NASA’s top most air improving plants and also shown to emit oxygen during nights.Increase in oxygen supply may help with insomnia and helps in improving the quality of sleep.
Aloe Vera is also known as the ‘plant of immortality’ and can be reproduced easily.Keep this excellent medicinal plant all over you home for maximum benefits.
Golden Pothos - healthmagweb.blogspot.com |
Golden pothos plants need bright, indirect light. Don't overwater or you'll end up with a case of root rot, reports Wisconsin Horticulture.
Those with a busy schedule will particularly welcome this ivy-like vine. Not only will you have a better quality of sleep but you need not worry too much about nurturing it – a couple of hours of morning sun and a little water once a week is all it requires.
It makes a great hanging plant too – which curbs its invasive nature and keeps its mildly toxic leaves out of the reach of pets and children.
English Ivy - healthmagweb.blogspot.com |
English Ivy plant is a classy and easy to grow.NASA has named it the NUMBER ONE air purifying plant.This plant is particularly beneficial to those who suffer from Asthma and breathing problems at night.. Studies have shown that having English ivy in the home helps to reduce airborne mold up to 94%. Since contaminants in the air are a major trigger of allergies, asthma and other breathing problems, this affordable plant may help to significantly improve the quality of sleep.
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